Ольбик Александр
Even if the gas is first applied Assad troops ...

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  Even if the gas is first applied Assad troops ...
  ... this would not be a crime. For if it were not for the beginning of the "internal " aggression against Syria and its leader, al-Assad , there would be no stories with gas suffocation and not very peaceful inhabitants of Syria. The robbers , who broke into the house and began to kill its inhabitants, can not rely on the charity house owners. And in this case the choice of weapons and defenses - " the master's business." Even if we are talking about a form of protection as chemical defense . From her killed 1,000 people, while on the "just weapons," which is owned by gunmen who broke into Syria , were killed about 100,000 . Zarin - that's too bad , according to Merkel and Cameron , transcendent evil , but to kill with " simple TNT " - a struggle for democracy. And because those who defended by all available means , threatens Vendetta, which will lead to the death of another 100,000 civilians and not the citizens of Syria ... Well, let's wait for the apocalypse, which, according to the world's media will start tomorrow , that is, Saturday, August 31, 2013 . Judgment Day is coming ... but coming ' ordinary' , which has become habitual, the mass murder of innocent people an independent state in Syria, after which the world will cadaveric accounting, will count the dead, torn to pieces by thousands of human bodies - victims of the U.S. military , led by Nobel Laureate Mr. Mr. Obama .. The logic of the idiots , like the whole stupid congregate with coils kapmir , so it suffered the same fate , which he had prepared for the hundreds of thousands or innocent , peaceful people , defenders of their homes ...
   August 30, 2013

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